ORCOM US can handle payroll preparation for your company. This includes calculating payroll taxes and other payroll deductions, and preparing the corresponding declarations required by the relevant federal or state authorities.
ORCOM US will arrange for your company to take out various mandatory insurance policies such as Disability and Workers Compensation.
ORCOM US can assist you with your HR needs so that you can focus on growing your US operations.
Note that in the US, contracts between employers and employees are by default mutual agreements. This means that either party can terminate its commitment at any time, with or without justification. This simplicity and lack of legal framework, which may seem attractive at first, encourages the risk of litigation.
Besides, companies find it difficult to recruit and keep their employees in a very competitive environment where the competition offers ever more attractive packages.

ORCOM US accompanies you
In this context, ORCOM US can assist you in the implementation of certain tools to avoid the risk of litigation and maintain the attractiveness of your company: